Windchime Burgundy Lrg
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It is believed that like colours and images, sounds affect our mind and spirit. And chimes bring in just the right kind of soothing sounds that help build in this kind of positivity the spaces. Made of metal - the tubular long chimes in this case are suspended from a wooden disc and when the breeze picks up ever so gently. The lightweight tubes will hit the wooden disc lower down to create the most wonderfully soothing sounds. The perfect backdrop in sound - the kid which brings in the feeling of peace and helps align your thoughts to a focal point. Chimes such as this, being very simple in design, help introduce the wonder of Feng shui in your spaces. The hollow rods here are coloured in deep chrome and the roundel made in wood is reflected in the disc that hangs in the centre helping create the sound. The hollow rod chime is the best bet if you wish to extract more vitality and energy in your home. You could place it on windows, doorways or your balcony where the wind can do the rest.