Lantern Whitewash S/2
Mood lighting could not have got a more resounding support than this option on offer form Lavida. Rustic chic at its best - this set of lanterns come with the promise of not merely keeping your interiors and outdoors looking bright and mellow all at once but you will be grateful for the very warm and welcoming glow of candles that these lanterns will hots for all of your special occasions.
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Give your home the kind of mood lighting it needs with the presence of lanterns that will play host to candles that they will hold. Here is a basic lantern - with a latched door like feature allowing you access to its inner sanctum thus ensuring that you can place large and small pillar candles in them to make a fantastic display filled with warm comforting mellow lights the lanterns are sized differently - while one of then can host one small pillar candle the other has enough space to take in tow candles. The rope handle on the top will welp you move and shift the lantern around when you need to. A perfect option for you when in summers the party moves outdoors and adding that special lighting is on your mind, the wood made structure with glass panes and the quaint metal latch adds to the stunning beauty of this set of shabby chic lanterns. In fact, the door like opening - does open up wide enough for you to easily clear waxy residues easily.